Seven Generations Management Limited is derived from Native American philosophy which teaches that every decision we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. Seven Generations is about responsibility to generations to come and thus each generation has a responsibility to ensure the survival for the seventh generation. Seven Generations is about seed, it’s about life, it’s about looking ahead, and it’s about responsibility. The Seventh Generation teachings reminds us that we have responsibility to generations that are coming and that we are indeed in charge of life as it is at the moment. Every generation has its time, every generation has its leaders, and every generation has its heroes, every generation has all of that. When that generation passes, the next generation will have the same. They will also have their leaders; they will also have their heroes. They will also have their problems, and they will also have the continuing responsibility to look out for the next seven generations. People talk about their rights, but they never talk about their responsibility. Leadership has got to have that above all, they have got to have vision, they have got to have compassion for the future, and they have got to make that decision for the seventh generation. That is not just a casual term, which is a real instruction for survival. Of the 100 largest economic units in the world today, 49 are countries and 51are corporations. This means that corporations are the driving force of decision making today. (Chief Oren R. Lyons).
That sums up what we are about- ensure business decision made by our partners are responsible and sustainable for generations to come.
It’s from the above teachings that we draw our inspiration as a company. We have to work responsibly not only for today but for generations to come. We strive to ensure that the business decisions we make are sustainable and will ensure continuity beyond our generation. This is reflected in the people we hire, sustainable business models we create and the concern for the environment. We have to make business decisions that will ensure that generations to come will be proud of the choices we are making today. It’s not about get rich quick solutions to businesses but long term and sustainable solutions. That defines our dealings in every business relations and transaction.
Our Vision
To Develop Businesses that impact generations to come develop business leaders who will change the market place by applying godly and kingdom business ethics.
Our Mission
We are purpose driven, in providing sustainable growth and revenue generation, to our business partners, our values being founded on Godly Kingdom Principles. We offer services which are key pillars, essential to our hospitality partner’s strength to outperform competition and become market leaders.
We focus on excellence, processes and integrity.
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