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Hotel Consultants – Nairobi – Kenya

collection, credit policy, business entertainment being followed? Are the stocks properly safeguarded, and loopholes for pilferage sealed?
Some of our services includes;-
System audit – we check the POS and PMS to ensure that the all revenues are being captured. Our team of  Hotel experts with experience in audits will scrutinize your business operations and advise where procedures are not being followed and the risks involved. We will make recommendation on areas of improvement and help the Consultancy Services team seal the common loopholes through which business lose revenue or expose themselves to risk.
Risk Audit – Our Hotel Experts, will work with the hotel Consultancy Services to develop or enforce the Organization Resilience Consultancy Services System. This involves ensuring that your business has a working business continuity plan in place in case of incidences such as staff riots, business disruption through national strikes, disruption of distribution channels etc.
Tax Audit – It has been said ‘give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God’. Some Hospitality operations do not have a fully fledge accounting department due to the nature of operations. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure timely submission of all statutory deduction including but limited to VAT, Catering Levy, NHIF and NSSF. We will also ensure your employees are doing the annual income returns as required by law.

Your Hospitality Business success is dependent on the Right People, and Right processes to expect maximum regular profits.  Engage our Hotel Consultancy Services now available in Kenya and East Africa

people processes profits