Hotel Consultants – Nairobi – Kenya


Hotel Industry News Kenya: Secret Camera Investigation: Hotels Dirty Secrets!


As Hotel Consultants in Kenya, and with industry and with several years experience, we have seen afew wrongful staff practices, brought about by lack of service standards of operation or  the absence of it. Most HOD’s are busy meeting targets and can hardly train their staff or follow up. With easy to use service standards of operations, and with the right understanding being instilled, service can surely be exeptional even when no one is looking.

Well if you this makes you believe it, see this video, and think about what would happen if your hotel was exposed this way or as a guest you at one time used the room glasses, which you certainly did!

Hotels Dirty Secrets: Did you use your Hotel room Glasses, Well a video here shows a secret camera investigations into hotel rooms, sadly even some of the most common brands are captured.

The glasses are simply rinsed out, using dirty linen, one housekeeper even uses gloves she just used when cleaning the toilet, the cleaning detergent used in each says on it “DO NOT DRINK” well most likely the fluid’s purpose is for surfaces.

Well as you watch the video, it clearly disturbing. Well such bad press is unnecessary if we do what we are supposed to.  View the Video Below

As Hotelier’s lets emphasize on our best practices including have regular training’s, its our responsibility to ensure that the best service standards are maintained, we owe it to our esteemed guests.

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Hotel Mystery Shopper

Hotel Mystery Shopper

“Where & What is The Problem???”

Seven Generation Hotel Consultants Kenya, is among the only Hotel Consultant Service Provider, is providing this unique Hotel/restaurant Mystery Shopper Service in Kenya. Our mystery shopper approach of audit is one of the few mystery shopping services in Kenya and East Africa today, designed for Hotels, Restaurant, Guest Houses & Service apartment establishments.

The Guest and most importantly the ‘Happy Guest’ is the key to opening and operating a successful Hotel and Restaurant establishment, it is therefore imperative to regard highly their perspective and experience.  It’s important to note that, it’s easier to retain an existing Guest than to try and win a new Guest. Unfortunately a dissatisfied Guest walks away and tells others about the bad service they experienced whereas a satisfied Guest becomes loyal and his mention to anyone is more influential than your marketing efforts as the guests word of a personal experience is taken more seriously, than your marketing efforts, this is true of hotels or restaurants that rank highly on Guest personal review sites such as Trip advisors in comparison with those with low ranking due to negative reviews.

As Hospitality Specialists in Kenya, we understand the guest needs and as well your primary purpose as the investor.

Apart from our expertise, we have the great advantage of understanding the current and ever changing market as a Hotel and Restaurant Management Company based in Kenya and East Africa.


We consult with the client to assist in accurately making the right changes to improve and ultimately exceed guest expectations in his/her Hotel or Restaurant.

We are glad to be of service in Kenya and East Africa providing Hotels and Restaurants’ the unique consultant services, the motivation being ensuring that our clients business meets and or exceeds the Guests expectations and that we create Moments of truth that wow our Guests.

“Build Lasting Relationships with Your Guests – Bring in The Experts”

people processes profits

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Referral Program

Referral Program


 Point & Make Money – Easy

The HOTEL Industry is booming more so in East Africa, than anywhere else in Africa, experts believe that  the  industry will continue growing rapidly for several years.  With this fact, hotels, restaurants, guest houses, serviced apartments are springing up everywhere around us, the unfortunate reality is that many are put up and run without expert knowledge or advice, resulting to a variety of issues from excessive costs, unhappy guests, unhappy staff, slow business or none, bottom line losses, therefore most are shut prematurely, sold or are leased even at the center of a viable market.  Many can be ‘turned around’  Profitably and Made the ’Local Hero’ .

We can help, From Start Up, to Management as well as a Turn around & Positioning management.

“You  can MAKE MONEY from any stage as a referral PARTNER.”

Seven Generations Management is has newly introduced a referral program that will benefit you, with some EXTRA CASH .

How does It work?

You can refer us to an owner  of a {Hotel, Restaurant, Guest House, Serviced Apartment} OR point us to the right person for ;  Consultancy Services, or  Hotel Management services and simply earn.

Earnings                                                                                                                               Make Money Easily- Just Point point us2 

Consultancy Services  =   10% Share of Net profit

Hotel Management  =  share  1 of % lump sum

Or share  10% Net profit  Earnings monthly no task input, Or 20% Net Profit

Monthly with  a shared role.




 For a downloadable format to share click here

 Be Rewarded